Seminario di “Avvio al lavoro” Presentation of the MASTER GEMS 2024-2025 Master of 2nd level in Geosciences for energy
Relatori: Dott. Davide Della Moretta, Dott. Giovanni Scrofani, Dott. Marco Bagalini, ENI, Milan I Martedì 28 Maggio - ore 16.30 | Aula 0A - Complesso Fiore di Botta - via del Pescarotto 8
GEMS is a post-lauream course of high formation organized by ENI and it is
planned for young graduates interested in the future challenges related to
energy and geosciences.The Master lasts for 9 months at the ENI Corporate
University in San Donato Milanese (Milan, Italy) and it is thought in