Laboratorio µFT-IR

Lara Maritan
Il µFT-IR è uno strumento particolarmente utile per lo studio dei materiali del patrimonio culturale, sia organici che inorganici, poiché fornisce informazioni dettagliate sulla loro composizione chimica e struttura. Questa tecnica consente di analizzare dipinti, sculture, tessuti, ceramiche e metalli, contribuendo a identificare i materiali originali, i prodotti di degrado e gli interventi di restauro. Inoltre, il µFT-IR permette di creare mappe composizionali, visualizzando la distribuzione dei composti organici, inorganici e contaminanti all'interno degli oggetti studiati, rivelando eventuali eterogeneità e dettagli fondamentali per lo studio, la conservazione e il restauro del materiale in esame.
Oltre al suo impiego nel patrimonio culturale, il µFT-IR trova applicazione in un ampio ventaglio di settori, tra cui le Scienze della Terra, la Chimica e le Scienze dei Materiali. Lo strumento offre informazioni cruciali sulla composizione e sulle variazioni spaziali di minerali e materiali naturali e sintetici, migliorando la comprensione dei processi geologici e chimici.
The µFT-IR is an especially valuable tool for the study of cultural heritage materials, both organic and inorganic, as it provides detailed information on their chemical composition and structure. This technology allows for the analysis of paintings, sculptures, textiles, ceramics, and metals, aiding in the identification of original materials, degradation products, and restoration interventions. Additionally, the µFT-IR enables the creation of compositional maps, visualizing the distribution of the organic, inorganic compounds, and contaminants within the studied objects, revealing hidden heterogeneities and essential details for the study, conservation and restoration of the cultural object.
Beyond its application in cultural heritage, the µFT-IR is also widely used in Earth Sciences, Chemistry and Material Sciences. The instrument provides crucial insights into the composition and spatial variations of minerals, natural and synthetic materials, enhancing the understanding of geological and chemical processes.
- INVENIO-S Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
- HYPERION II FT-IR microscope
- 15x Cassegrain objective for visual and infrared spectroscopic sample analysis
- 4x glass-objective for visible sample inspection
- IR and visible illumination optics for reflection observation and measurement
- Simultaneous IR measurement and visible observation in reflection mode
- LED illumination for reflection (low power consumption and low thermal load)
- Mid-band MCT detector (10,000-600cm-1), liquid-N2-cooled, with Preamplifier
- Transparent knife edge aperture to define the spatial resolution of the MCT detector
- Video camera port with digital high-resolution camera (Fast CMOS camera; 2592 x 1944; 5 MP; 1/2.5" camera size)
- Motorized x-y sampling stage for fully automated mapping and imaging measurements in all measurement modes; adjustment range: 75mm x 50mm; adjustment accuracy (=smallest step size): 0.1μm; repeatability: <1μm
- Joystick for xyz-control - Permanent monitoring of all essential spectrometer components
- the sample inspection and data acquisition procedure
- OPUS/3D for data processing, evaluation and visualization
- OPUS/MAP software for control of the motorized xyz-stage
Prodotto finanziato dall'Università degli Studi di Padova nel quadro del programma World Class Research Infrastructures (WCRI) - SYCURI: SYnergic strategies for CUltural heritage at Risk.
Dipartimento di Geoscienze - via G. Gradenigo, 6 - 35131 Padova (Italy)
Primo piano: 01-044
LAB MANAGER: Prof.ssa Lara Maritan - Tel. +39 0498279143 - e-mail:
TECHNICAL STAFF: dott.ssa Caterina Canovaro - e-mail:
dott.ssa Giulia Ricci - e-mail:
Tel +39 049 827 9140
Norme di accesso
Access to the µFT-IR Laboratory is allowed upon reservation to be made by the Responsible or by the Technician.
and presentation of the following documentation:
1) Authorization to access the laboratories
2) Certificate of successful completion of the following courses (at first access):
FORMAZIONE SPECIALISTICA per il corretto utilizzo delle attrezzature del laboratorio e delle procedure di lavoro (Verbale di addestramento)
The course is for undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students and any others who require access to the laboratories
SPECIALISTIC TRAINING for the correct use of laboratory equipment and work procedures (Training report)
Richiesta prestazioni
Please, contact the Responsible or the Technician.
Richiesta prestazioni