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Seminari e Convegni

Risultati Esami di Stato per l'abilitazione alla professione di Geologo - (II Sessione - Novembre 2021) Albo Senior e Junior


Sono disponibili gli esiti dell'ESAME DI STATO PER L'ABILITAZIONE ALL'ESERCIZIO DELLA PROFESSIONE DI GEOLOGO, Albo Senior e Junior relativi alla II SESSIONE (Novembre) 2021.


Seminari e Convegni

Hydrocarbons and environmental impact: from exploration to refining

Speaker: Dott. Geol. Mauro Annese (Professional Geologist for hydrocarbon and chemical companies) - Thursday, 11th november – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Oil is one of the many underground resources, occasionally causing environmental impact when it is transported by tankers, pipelines or during drilling and production operations. The seminar covers the different steps of the oil journey from 12-15.000 feet underground to the service stations, their impact and remedies.


Seminari e Convegni

La dott.ssa Elena Bersan vince il premio premio di laurea “Paolo Scandone” istituito dall’Ordine dei Geologi della Regione Abruzzo e dal Parco Nazionale della Maiella


Complimenti alla dott.ssa Elena Bersan, ex studentessa del Dipartimento di Geoscienze e attualmente dottoranda presso la Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, vincitrice del premio di laurea “Paolo Scandone” istituito dall’Ordine dei Geologi della Regione Abruzzo e dal Parco Nazionale della Maiella.


Seminari e Convegni

Dwelling in the Anthropocene: sustainable supply chains for the built environment

Speaker: Dott. Luca Valentini (Dipartimento di Geoscienze (Università degli Studi di Padova) Thursday 18th november - 4,30 pm | Aula Arduino


Reconciling the need of meeting the demand for reliable, durable, and cost-effective building materials, without impacting on the environment, poses a societal conundrum and an extraordinary technological challenge. It is reported that nearly 40 billion tonnes of raw materials extracted from the Earth’s crust each year feed into the construction industry. The associated material flows dramatically contribute to the anthropogenic CO2 emissions.


Seminari e Convegni

Geochemical characterization of extraterrestrial impact events recorded in sedimentary rocks

Speaker: Dott.ssa Honami Sato (Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università degli studi di Padova) Thursday, 4th november – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


More than three decades have passed since the discovery of anomalies in the abundance of platinum group elements (PGEs: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd) across the sections of Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) strata from Gubbio (Italy) and Caravaca (Spain), which have been attributed to a bolide impact. More than three decades have passed since the discovery of anomalies in the abundance of platinum group elements (PGEs: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd) across the sections of Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) strata from Gubbio (Italy) and Caravaca (Spain), which have been attributed to a bolide impact. This remains one of the most significant findings in the field of Earth science. After the discovery, the PGE anomaly at the K-Pg boundary has been confirmed from more than 120 sites.
