Seminario di “Avvio al lavoro” Presentation of the MASTER GEMS 2024-2025 Master of 2nd level in Geosciences for energy
Relatori: Dott. Davide Della Moretta, Dott. Giovanni Scrofani, Dott. Marco Bagalini, ENI, Milan I Martedì 28 Maggio - ore 16.30 | Aula 0A - Complesso Fiore di Botta - via del Pescarotto 8
GEMS is a post-lauream course of high formation organized by ENI and it is planned for young graduates interested in the future challenges related to energy and geosciences.
The Master lasts for 9 months at the ENI Corporate University in San Donato Milanese (Milan, Italy) and it is thought in English by international experts and specialists.
The call for the Master is open and for all the participants ENI provides a grant of 1500 €/month. The costs of the master are fully covered by ENI, so there are no fees for the inscription.
The master is open to graduates in the following disciplines:
Scienze e Tecnologie Geologiche (LM-74)
Scienze Geofisiche (LM-79)
Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente e Territorio (LM-75)
Fisica (LM-17)
Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni (LM27)
Ingegneria Informatica (LM32)
Matematica (LM-40)
Modellistica matematico-fisica per l'Ingegneria (LM-44)
During the meeting two teachers of the master and a former student of Geosciences in Padova will present the course and their experiences.
Davide Della Moretta: geophysicist, responsible in ENI of the Department of Basin Analysis and Structural Geology; Advisor for G&G Modelling & Monitoring for NR Storage;
Giovanni Scrofani: engineer, Advisor per Geoscience Numerical Modeling;
Marco Bagalini: geologist graudated in Padova and student of the Master GEM 2022-23, currently member of the Department of Geophyisical Studies in ENI.