Individual Training Plan
(The types of activities that each student can carry out to fulfill the requirements of their individual training plan):
Compulsory Courses
Ph.D. students must take compulsory courses to complete their educational obligations. These are:
Sectorial/Specific Courses
Ph.D. students can follow specific/sectoral courses to complete their training obligations. The list of possible courses organized by the Doctoral course is available here but the Ph.D. students can also attend courses held by other Ph.D. courses of the University of Padova, Ph.D. courses of other universities (Italian or foreign), courses organized by qualified industry associations, etc.
Soft skills Courses
Ph.D. students must take soft skills courses to complete their training obligations. These are:
- The Ph.D. Student in the research world part I e part II (18 hours - 3CFU)
- Scientific English for Ph.D. Geosciences Students 20 hours (3.3 CFU)
- ABC Bibliographic Research in Geosciences (10 hours – 1.7 CFU)
Ph.D. students must attend a minimum of 12 seminars (over the three years) to complete their educational obligations.
The seminars include those organized by the Department of Geosciences for which we have an on-line system to certificate your attendance: More info available here
However, seminars organized by other Departments (Italian and foreign) can be included if you have a certificate of attendance.
Upon completion of this training activity, 2 credits (12 hours) will be awarded.
Group activities
These activities are not valid for the completion of the training obligations
Ph.D. students can participate in Schools to complete their educational obligations. The certified attendance to courses offered within national or international Schools can be assigned a number of CFU equal to 1 (one) every 6 (six) hours of frontal teaching. A student can obtain a maximum of 12 (twelve) CFU by participating in one or more national or international Schools.
Other training activities
Ph.D. students can participate to other types of educational activities to complete their educational obligations. It is possible to partially meet the training obligations by attending any classes in the framework of courses/events organized by highly qualified professional associations.
Participation to conferences
The attendance of Ph.D, students to conferences/workshop is warmly suggested but these activities are not valid to complete their educational obligations.