Geomorphological processes and landscape dynamics

The research group deals with the analysis, monitoring and management of geomorphological risks, considering in particular risks related to evolutionary geomorphological processes in mountain and coastal areas, with a main focus on slope instability, and fluvial and coastal flooding and erosion.
The research is carried out through integrated innovative monitoring of landslides, aimed at defining significant field parameters. Additional research activity deals with the and at developing generation of evolutionary geological-technical models and of cause-effect relations to study slope instability phenomena.
Analyses of coastal landscape dynamics are carried out through field observations, laboratory analyses of soil samples and eco-morphodynamic modelling. The activities carried out by the research groups also include sensorial and instrumental development and engineering of monitoring systems.
Professors coordinating and developing projects related to this research pathway: Filippo Catani, Andrea D'Alpaos, Silvana Martin, Nicola Surian, Jacopo Boaga, Simone Bizzi, Alessandro Fontana, Massimiliano Ghinassi, Paolo Mozzi, Alvise Finotello, Valerio Olivetti