Landslides: monitoring and mechanics

The research activities aim to the assessment of landslide rheology using monitoring data, retrieved from consolidated approaches as in situ surveys, and direct (e.g., inclinometers, piezometer, strain gauges) or indirect monitoring instruments (e.g., geophysical surveys), but also using more innovative technologies as ground based and satellite interferometry or terrestrial laser scanning.
The research focuses on the combination of these technologies, along with the geotechnical characterization of the sliding mass, to retrieve the data for the set-up of slope stability models, which, in turn, are useful to understand the behavior of the landslides and to identify their kinematic and their response to the triggering factors. Physical and numerical modelling of granular material dynamics with a continuous and particle approach are also part of the research.
The activities of the research group also include the development of new tools for the interpretation and integration of monitoring data, in collaboration with other entities, both privates and publics. The research group has consolidated collaborations with high-level research institutions, both at national and international level.
Professors coordinating and developing projects related to this research pathway: Giorgio Cassiani, Filippo Catani, Giulio Di Toro, Jacopo Boaga, Mario Floris, Matteo Massironi, Leonardo Piccinini, Manuel Rigo, Paolo Scotton