Raw materials, mineral resources and industrial minerals

The research activities include the characterisation, exploration and modelling of deposits of mineral resources, as well as the chemical-physical-mineralogical characterisation of raw materials for industrial applications. Specific studies are aimed at:
- Understanding the controls on metal and non-metal enrichment and genesis of useful minerals in a variety of geological settings (including seafloor, crust and mantle),
- Providing guidelines for mineral exploration in specific geological contexts and for the sustainable exploitation of industrial minerals, and
- Optimizing the processing of mineral resources and minimising its environmental impact, also through the development of advanced, cost-effective and circularity-oriented recovery methods and cross industry resource efficiency.
The different scientific lines may involve collection and integration of different types of data (e.g., mineralogical, petrological, geochemical, physical-chemical, etc.), which can be acquired through field geological surveys, laboratory analyses, thermodynamic modelling, and tailored experiments
Professors coordinating and developing projects related to this research pathway: Gilberto Artioli, Giorgio Cassiani, Silvana Martin, Fabrizio Nestola, Paolo Nimis, Maria Chiara Dalconi, Claudio Mazzoli, Luca Valentini