Ph.D. Research Projects 2024


 Ph.D. Research Projects - Upload in Progress Until October 21st



 "Dipartimenti di Eccellenza" scholarship

Scholarship funded by Dipartimento di Geoscienze su fondi "Budget MUR - Dipartimenti di Eccellenza"

Projec Title: " Le Geoscienze per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile", Scientific Coordinator: prof. Nicola Surian

Scholarship - Climate change impacts and mitigation of related risks

There is concern, at global scale, about some effects of climate change, such as increase in the frequency of extreme events (e.g. floods and droughts) and sea-level rise. Understanding such effects is crucial for identifying adaptation and mitigation strategies that are needed for planning and development of sustainable and resilient communities. The project aims to address different research topics, dealing both with processes (storms, flooding, landslides) and related risks in a changing climate. Some of the topics that will be addressed are: (i) the relationship between storm types and extreme precipitation; (ii) slope instability in different environments, in the Alps as well as in submarine settings; (iii) use of remote sensing and artificial intelligence to assess geohazards. A further aim of the project is to increase our knowledge about compound and cascade hydrogeomorphic hazards and risks, that is the complex feedback and interactions between hillslopes and fluvial processes.


How to apply (Italian language) (English version)