

The PhD course in Geosciences has a duration of three years and the degree can be obtained after having acquired at least 30 credits (180 hours) for training through courses, summer schools and attendance at a minimum of 12 seminars during the three years. The PhD student must also carry out independent and original research, culminating in the writing of the thesis. There are compulsory courses that a doctoral student must take, but the student can also independently create, in agreement with his supervisor, his own Individual Training Plan. You can download the complete educational offer and the individual training plan.

Specific information on the courses organized  by the Doctoral Course in Geosciences are provided below (see table):


Teaching activities 2020-2021Mandatory Lecturer Hours  CFUExpected Date Rescheduled to COVID-19 emergency Year 
I semester       
EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction)  Prof. Richard Spiess (Univ. Padova)122October 2020
ABC della ricerca bibliografica per le geoscienzeyesDr. Cecilia Furlani (CAB unipd)101,7October - November 2020

The PhD student in the Research world


Prof. Di Toro Giulio

Prof. Nestola Fabrizio

183October - November  2020
Chemometrics: Experimental DesignyesProf. Riccardo Leardi (Univ. Genova)305November 2020
II semester       
The PhD student in the research world: Part IyesProf. Giulio Di Toro (Univ. Padova)122 June 17-182021
The PhD student in the research world:yesProf. Fabrizio Nestola (Univ. Padova)61 June 232021
Scientific English for Ph.D. Geosciences StudentsyesProf. Monica Borg (Univ. Birmingham)203.3May 26 - June 24 2021
Matlab for Students in Geosciences Prof. Lapo Boschi (Univ. Padova)203.3June 4 - July 2 2021
Practical examples on heritage stones research Prof. David Martín Freire-Lista (Univ. Coimbra)81.25May 17 - 20 


Teaching activities 2021-2022Mandatory LecturerHoursCFUExpected Date 


Seminars (minimum 12 during the three year program)yes 122three years  
I semester       
ABC Bibliographic Research in GeosciencesyesCecilia Furlani (CAB - Univ. Padova) 101,7November 29 - December 1 2021
Chemometrics: Multivariate AnalysisyesRiccardo Leardi (Univ. Genova)305November 22-25 2021
Advanced X-ray imaging techniques: application to Geosciences Lucia  Mancini (Elettra - Sincrotrone TS)183November-December 2021
II semester 2021-2022       
The PhD student in the research world: Part IyesProf. Giulio Di Toro (Univ. Padova)122May/June 2022
The PhD student in the research world: Part IIyesProf. Fabrizio Nestola (Univ. Padova)61May/June 2022
Scientific English for Ph.D. Geosciences StudentsyesProf. Monica Borg (Univ. Birmingham)203,3May/June 2022
Teaching activities 2022-2023Mandatory LecturerHoursCFUDate Year
Seminars (minimum 12 during the three year program)yes 122three years  
I semester 2022-23       
Paleomagnetism: From the Geological Time Scale to paleogeographic reconstruction  Dr. Edoardo Dallanave (Univ. of Bremen) 20 3,25 November 14-18  2022 
ABC Bibliographic research in  GeosciencesyesDr. Cecilia Furlani (CAB - Univ. of Padova)101,7November 28 – December 2 2022
Chemometrics: Experimental DesignyesProf. Riccardo Leardi (Univ. of Genova)305November 21- 24 2022
Scientific English (compulsory entry test) yesCLA (Univ. of Padova)203,3November/  July 2022/2023
II semester 2022-2023       
EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction)  Prof. Richard Spiess (Univ. of Padova) 12 April 12-13 2023 
The PhD student in the research world: Part IyesProf. Giulio Di Toro (Univ. Padova)122May 16/June 14-15 2023
The PhD student in the research world: Part IIyes Prof. Fabrizio Nestola (Univ. of Padova) May 30 2023 
Geomorphology and river management Prof. Gary Brierley (University of Acuckland)152,5June, 19-21 2023
Specific Courses    TBD  2023 
Teaching activities 2023-2024Mandatory LecturerHoursCFUExpected Date  Year
I semester 2023-24        
Seminars (minimum 12 in the three  year program)yes 122three years  
ABC Bibliographic Research in GeosciencesyesDr. Cecilia Furlani (CAB - Univ. of Padova)101.7Online Course + November, 22 2023
Chemometrics: Multivariate Analysis yes Prof. Riccardo Leardi (Univ. of Genova) 30 November, 27-30 2023 
Thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria in metamorphic rocksyes Prof. James A. D. Connolly (ETH, Zurich) 8+8 2.7 December, 5-6 and 11-12 2023 
Scientific English (compulsory entry test) Registration entry test expired October. 15, 2023yesCLA (University of Padova)20 3.3November/July 2023
II semester 2023-24       
EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction)  Prof. Richard Spiess (Univ. Padova)122postponed to I semester 2024/25 2024
The PhD student in the research world: Part IyesProf. Giulio Di Toro (Univ. Padova)122May 20/June 10-11 2024
The PhD student in the research world: Part IIyesProf. Fabrizio Nestola (Univ. Padova)61June 20 2024
Stable isotope geochemistry in low temperature environments (Professor Christophe Lecuyer) Prof. Christophe Lecuyer (University Claude Bernard Lyon 1)91.5May, 27-28-29 2024
Machine Learning for Optical Image Analysis: Focus on Landslides and Floods (Prof. Filippo  Catani and Dr. Sansar R. Meena) Prof. Filippo Catani e Dott. Sansar Raj Meena (Univ. Padova)7+72.3 June, 4-5 2024