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Submitted for publication
- Martijn Kriebel; Ting Liu; Robin Noordhoek; Leonie Staas; Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez; Valentina Prigiobbe (202X). Holistic approach based on public acceptance and hydrological modeling to select green infrastructure for flooding mitigation. In review.
Journal articles
- Caulfield, B. Roberts M. and Prigiobbe V. (2023) Studying the effect of nickel, copper, and zinc on the precipitation kinetics and the composition of Ca-carbonates for the integrated process of CO2 mineralization and brine mining, Chemical Engineering Journal, 476, 146220, Link
Datta, Sujit; Battiato, Ilenia; Fernø, Martin; Juanes, Ruben; Parsa, Shima; Prigiobbe, Valentina; Santanach-Carreras, Enric; Song, Wen; Biswal, Sibani; Sinton, David (2023) Lab on a chip for a low-carbon future. In press in Lab on a Chip. Link
Valentina Prigiobbe, Florent Bourgeois, Herbert Todd Schaef, and Shuo Zhang (2023) Editorial: CO2 Mineralization: A Carbon Storage Technology for a Sustainable Future. In press in Frontiers in Climate. Link.
Abraham, J., Prigiobbe, V., Abimbola, T., Christodoulatos, C., (2023). Integrating biological and chemical CO2 sequestration for bioproducts generation. In press in Frontiers in Climate. Link.
Cauldfield, B., Abraham, J., Christodoulatos, C., Prigiobbe, V. (2022). Enhanced precipitation of magnesium carbonates using carbonic anhydrase. Nanoscale Link
- Zhang, D. and Prigiobbe, V. (2022). Influence of salinity change on the transport behaviour of Escherichia coli through quartz sand. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. Link.
Zhang, D., Liu, T., and Prigiobbe, V. (2022). Enhanced solute transport in porous media due to pH-dependent adsorption and transverse dispersion. Accepted in Advances in Water Resources. Link
Su, X., Belvedere, P., Tosco, T., and Prigiobbe, V. (2022). Studying nuisance flooding due to groundwater in a coastal urban area. Urban Climate. Link.
Prigiobbe, V., Dawson, C., Hu, Y., Sharif, H., and Tahvildari, N. (2022). Editorial: Coastal flooding: modeling, monitoring, and protection systems. Frontiers in Climate. Link.
Liu, T., Jagupilla, S., Ramirez-Marquez, J., and Prigiobbe, V. (2021). Combining a statistical model with machine learning to predict groundwater flooding (or infiltration) into sewer networks. Journal of Hydrology. Link.
Zhang, D., Li, Q. and Prigiobbe, V. (2021). Population balance modeling of homogeneous viral aggregation. Chemical Engineering Science. Link.
Li, Q. and Prigiobbe, V. (2021). Measuring and modeling nanoparticle transport by foam in porous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. Link.
Ye, Z. and Prigiobbe, V. (2020). Transport of produced water through reactive porous media. Water Research. Link.
Shi, Q., Meng, X., and Prigiobbe, V. (2020). Mechanistic study of radium adsorption on goethite. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Link.
Li, Q. and Prigiobbe, V. (2020). Studying the generation of foam in the presence of nanoparticles using a microfluidic system. Chemical Engineering Science. Link.
Su, X., Liu, T., Beheshti, M., and Prigiobbe, V. (2019). Relationship between infiltration, sewer rehabilitation, and groundwater flooding in coastal urban areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Link.
Ye, Z., Abraham, J., Christodoulatos, C., and Prigiobbe, V. (2019). Mineral carbonation for carbon utilization in microalgae culture. Energy & Fuels. Link.
Zhang, D., Zabarankin, M. and Prigiobbe, V. (2019). Modeling salinity-dependent transport of viruses in porous media. Advances in Water Resources. Link.
Li, Q. and Prigiobbe, V. (2019). Modeling nanoparticle transport in porous media in the presence of a foam. Transport in Porous Media,
Liu, T., Su, X., and Prigiobbe, V. (2018). Groundwater-sewer interaction in urban coastal areas. Water. Link.
Shi, Q., Sterbinsky, G., Prigiobbe, V., and Meng, X. (2018). Mechanistic study of lead adsorption on activated carbon. Langmuir. Link.
Li, Q. and Prigiobbe, V. (2018). Numerical simulations of the migration of fine particles through porous media. Transport in Porous Media,
Ye, Z. and Prigiobbe, V. (2018). Effect of ionic strength on barium transport in porous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 209, 24-32. Link.
Prigiobbe, V. (2018). Estimation of nucleation and growth parameters from in situ Raman spectroscopy in carbonate systems. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 6 (1), 930-936. Link.
Wang, Q., Prigiobbe, V., Huh, C., Bryant, S.L (2017) Alkaline Earth-element adsorption onto PAA-coated magnetic nanoparticles. Energies 10 (2), 1-15. Link.
Prigiobbe, V., Worthen, A.J., Johnston, K.P., Huh, C., and Bryant, S.L. (2016). Transport of nanoparticle-stabilized CO2-foam in porous media. Transport in porous media 111 (1), 265-285. Link.
Prigiobbe, V., Ko, S., Hu, C., and Bryant, S.L. (2015). Measuring and modeling the magnetic settling of superparamagnetic nanoparticle dispersions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 447C 58-67. Link.
Prigiobbe, V., Bryant, S.L. (2014) pH-dependent transport of metal cations in porous media. Environmental Science and Technology. 48 (7), 3752-3759. Link.
Prigiobbe, V., Hesse, M., Bryant, S.L. (2014) Enhanced Transport of Heavy Metals Due to a CO2-acidified Brine. Energy Procedia. Precented at the 12th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-12, Austin (TX, USA). 63, 3261-3267. Link.
Prigiobbe, V., Suarez Negreira, A., Wilcox, J. (2013) Density functional theory study of the interaction of water with olivine. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (41), 21203-21216. Link.
Prigiobbe, V., Hesse, M.A., Bryant, S.L. (2013) Hyperbolic theory of pH-dependent reactive transport in porous media. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 73(5), 1941-1957. Link.
Prigiobbe, V., Mazzotti, M. (2013) Precipitation of Mg-carbonates at elevated temperature and partial pressure of CO2. Chemical Engineering Journal 223 755-763. Link.
Prigiobbe, V., Hesse, M., Bryant, S. L. (2012) Fast strontium transport induced by hydrodynamic dispersion and pH-dependent sorption. Geophysical Research Letters 39 L18401.
Kirchofer, A., Brandt, A., Krevor, S., Prigiobbe, V., Wilcox, J. (2012) Impact of alkalinity sources on the life-cycle energy efficiency of mineral carbonation for CO2 storage. Energy and Environmental Science 5 (9) 8631-8641.
Prigiobbe, V., Hesse, M., Bryant, S. L. (2012) Anomalous reactive transport in the framework of the theory of chromatography. Transport in Porous Media 93 (1) 127-145.
Prigiobbe, V., Mazzotti, M. (2011) Dissolution of olivine in presence of oxalate, citrate, and CO2 at 90oC and 120oC. Chemical Engineering Science 66 (24) 6544-6554.
Prigiobbe, V., Giulianelli, M. (2011) Quantification of sewer leakage using a continuous tracer method. Water Science and Technology 64 (1) 132-138.
Prigiobbe, V., Costa, G., Baciocchi, R., Hänchen, M., Mazzotti, M. (2009). Effect of CO2 and salinity on olivine dissolution kinetics in aqueous NaCl-LiOH-CO2 system. Chemical Engineering Science 64 (15) 3510-3515.
Prigiobbe, V., Giulianelli, M. (2009). Quantification of sewer system infiltration using 𗉢O hydrograph separation. Water Science and Technology 60 (3) 727-735.
Prigiobbe, V., Polettini, A., Baciocchi, R. (2009). Gas-solid carbonation kinetics of Air Pollution Control residues for CO2 storage. Chemical Engineering Journal 148 (2-3) 270-278.
Hänchen, M., Prigiobbe, V., Baciocchi, R., Mazzotti, M. (2008). Precipitation in the Mg-carbonate system - effects of temperature and CO2 pressure. Chemical Engineering Science 63 (4) 1012-1028.
Baciocchi, R., Polettini A., Pomi, R., Prigiobbe, V., v. Zedwitz, V., Steinfeld, A. (2006). CO2 sequestration by gas-solid carbonation of APC residues. Energy & Fuels 20 1933-1940.
Hänchen, M., Prigiobbe, V., Storti, G., Steward, T. M., Mazzotti, M. (2006). Dissolution kinetics of fosteritic olivine at 90-150oC including effects of the presence of CO2. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (17) 4403-4416.
Cardoso, L., Prigiobbe, V., Giulianelli, M., Baer, E., Coelho, S.T. (2006). Assessing the impact of infiltration and exfiltration in sewer systems using performance indicator: case study of the APUSS project. Water Practice & Technology 1 (1).
Giulianelli, M., Mazza, M., Prigiobbe, V., Russo, F. (2004) Assessing exfiltration from a sewer by slug dosing of a chemical tracer (NaCl). NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences 43 351-362.
Giulianelli, M., Prigiobbe, V., Succhiarelli, C. (2004). Nuovi metodi per quantificare infiltrazioni ed exfiltrazioni nelle fognature urbane. Geologia dell'Ambiente, 4 21-26.
Prigiobbe, V., Giulianelli, M., Paoluzzi, M. (2003). Fenomeni di infiltrazione ed exfiltrazione nelle reti di fognatura urbana, bacini sperimentale a Roma. L'ACQUA 6 41-49.
Books and Book's Chapters
Ye, Z. and Prigiobbe, V. (2021). Transport of Earth Alkaline Elements in Produced Water through Reactive Porous Media. Chapter for the book titled: Solid-Liquid Separation Technologies: Applications for Produced Water. (Invited and peer-reviewed).
Zhang, D. and Prigiobbe, V. 2020. Studying the effect of salinity and tide on the fecal bacteria transport within Hudson River Estuary sediments. Section VIII: 1-24 pp. In S.H. Fernald, D.J. Yozzo and H. Andreyko (eds.), Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program, 2019. Hudson River Foundation.
Hu, C., Daigle, H., Prigiobbe, V., and Prodanovic, M. (2019). Practical Nanotechnology for Petroleum Engineers. CRC Press, New York.
Prigiobbe, V., Giulianelli, M. (2010) Tests and field applications of methods in Italy (Eds. Ellis, B. and Bertrand-Krajewski, J.K.) in Assessing Infiltration and Exfiltration on the Performance of Urban Sewer Systems APUSS. IWA publishing.
Prigiobbe, V., Hesse, M., Bryant, S.L. (2014). Breaking waves. International Innovation, (163), 34-36 Link.
Patents and disclosures
Prigiobbe, V. and Meng, X.. Reactive propping agent to immobilize heavy metals and radionuclides in the subsurface during hydraulic fracturing. Patent pending. Submitted to United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on 23th December 2015.