Integrated stratigraphy and geochronology

Stratigraphy and geochronology are at the core of the geologic disciplines and their main aim is dating and correlating rock bodies.
A modern approach to stratigraphy is to use different disciplines (e.g., lithology, paleontology, paleomagnetism, geochemistry, …) to obtain an integrated dataset that would allow for a high precision dating of geological time (geochronology) on one side but also highly resolved correlation of rocks among different depositional and environmental domains (chronostratigraphy).
Within this framework, at Department of Geosciences focuses its research on refining of integrated biostratigraphic frameworks using doverse fossil groups (e.g., conodonts, foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils and pollens). These frameworks cover several time slices (i.e., Triassic- Jurassic; late Cretaceous- Pleistocene). Additionally, the Department contributes to the formal definition of Global Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) and unit stratigraphic stratotypes. that cover several time slices (i.e., Triassic- Jurassic; late Cretaceous- Pleistocene) but also on providing contributions to formally define GSSPs and unit stratigraphic stratotypes.
Professors coordinating and developing projects related to this research pathway: Claudia Agnini, Anna Breda, Luca Capraro, Eliana Fornaciari, Luca Giusberti, Nereo Preto, Manuel Rigo, Valerio Olivetti