Venice Lagoon: an overview on dynamics of channels connecting the land with the sea

A two-days workshop, organized by the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padova in the framework of a project supported by Cariparo Foundation, made a stop in the Venice Lagoon for a field trip focused on Holocene tidal and fluvial deposits on the Venetian Plain. The workshop has been organized for young scientists, PhD students and post-doc researchers coming from all the world and its goal was to understand better the evolution of this complex system, one of the most peculiar of the Mediterranean area.
In the video Massimiliano Ghinassi, Associate Professor of the Department of Geosciences and member of the organizing committee, tells more about the project and the topics that have been discussed.
Shooting and editing: Barbara Paknazar
Organizing committee: M. Ghinassi, A. D’Alpaos, A. Finotello, D. Tognin