Call for Admission to the P.h.D. Course in Geosciences

The call for admission to the Doctoral Course in Geosciences (University of Padova) for the Academic Year 2022/2023 is now open.
Applications will close on May 13th, 2022, at 13:00 CEST.
There are 13 scholarships available at the Department of Geosciences, namely:
• 6 free-topic scholarships funded by the University of Padova, one of which is reserved for foreign students;
• 7 fixed-topic scholarships, in detail:
- Exploration of innovative methods for the inversion of seismological data and their optimization for seismic tomography models (Proposer: Prof. M. Faccenda - funded by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica – INGV);
- Microplastic distribution in the Arno River deposits (central Italy): from depositional processes to the Anthropocene stratigraphic record (Proposer: Prof. M. Ghinassi – funded by Enel Green Power S.p.A.);
- Seismic risk assessment of building classes (Proposer: Prof. F. da Porto – funded by DA_P_FINA21_01);
- Multiscale modelling approaches for seismic vulnerability analysis of churches (Proposer: Prof. F. da Porto – funded by DA_P_FINA21_01)
- Mineralogical and geochemical research on prehistoric archaeometallurgy (Proposer: Prof. G. Artioli – funded by CIRCe);
- Properties and reactivity of silicate melts: thermodynamic modeling. Application for the enhancement and engineering of steel mill and foundry slag (Proposer: Prof. G. Artioli - funded by Fondazione UniSMART - call SMART Ph.D. 2022);
- Efficiency of the production process of ceramic coatings for stoves (Proposer: Prof. G. Artioli - funded by Fondazione UniSMART - call SMART Ph.D. 2022).
For further information on the call, the requirements, and the application, please visit the University's website:
( - Italian);
( - English).
More information on the Doctoral Course in Geosciences is available here.