Graduation - Upload Thesis and Final Examination Sessions


 Final Examination

The final examination consists of a thesis written by the student under the guidance of a supervisor. It includes a period of field research and/or laboratory activity and/or internship in professional companies, both public and private.

The thesis will be discussed in front of a Commission appointed by the Department Director.

Template for master thesis with title page  

Editorial guidelines for master thesis

 Thesis Upload

To be admitted to the final exam, students must upload a digital copy of the thesis in PDF/A format to the Uniweb portal

GUIDEpay particular attention to the following aspects:

1) The document uploaded on Uniweb must:

a) represent the final version of the thesis
b) be in PDF/A FORMAT: instructions for creating a document in PDF/A format
c) have a maximum size of 40 megabytes
d) be named according to the standard SURNAME_NAME.pdf (e.g.: ROSSI_MARIO.pdf)

2) The uploading of the final thesis document must be completed NO LATER THAN 8 DAYS PRIOR to the date of the graduation: this deadline is imperative and any replacement of the attachment with the thesis paper is only possible by the deadline.

3) At least 15 days before the date on which the final dissertation is to be discussed, the student must send this graduation confirmation form to the Student Office of the Department of Geosciences (

Graduation Sessions and deadlines (A.Y. 2024-25)

  Master's degrees course (D.M. 270/04) In Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources

First Graduation Period

Single Session


Dissertation Upload within 20/02/2025

Second Graduation Period

 First Session


Dissertation Upload within 12/06/2025

Second Session


Dissertation Upload within 03/07/2025

Third Graduation Period A


Single Session


Dissertation Upload within 25/09/2025

Third Graduation Period B


Single Session


Dissertation Upload within 27/11/2024

Download the Calendar of Graduation Sessions and deadlines A.Y. 2024-25 (register for graduation, dissertation's upload)

GRADUATION DAY: December, 5 - 2024 at 2,30 PM (CET) - Calendar of master's degree discussions and graduations committee



 Graduation Days - Master's Degree discussions Archive

 Bachelor’s and Master’s diplomas collection 

                                 (link to Unipd website page)