Ph.D. Course in Geosciences

Geology covers an extremely wide spectrum of topics being probably the most interdisciplinary of all sciences. At the Department of Geosciences of University of Padova this is well evident from the variety of research activities that are being carried out. In detail, our Doctoral Course in Geosciences offers research programs in paleontology, micropaleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, structural geology, planetary geology, geomorphology, mineralogy, applied mineralogy, ore geology, petrology, applied geology, hydrogeology, geophysics, applied geophysics and cultural heritage.
The Doctoral Course in Geosciences at the University of Padova is an important reality in the ambit of the Italian third level of education and training of research in the fields of Earth Sciences. Our policy follows the main strategic lines of our University, which promote excellence in teaching and research, for the progressive improvement of the quality of the curricula. The main mission of the Course is to maintain a very high scientific profile, trying at the same time to be responsive to the requests and needs that arise from society or industry. The teaching and research staff includes a fair number of internationally esteemed scientists, offering students the opportunity to study and do research in a wide range of cutting-edge and cross-disciplinary areas of Geosciences, often in collaboration with foreign Universities and research Institutions.
We invite you to apply to our Doctoral Course; please take some time to visit our website and discover how to apply to the PhD Course in Geosciences.
Coordinator: Prof. Andrea D'Alpaos (
Deputy coordinator: Prof. Luca Valentini (