
In every room of the Department the wi-fi access to EduRoam service.

EduRoam (EDUcation ROAMing) is a safe wireless network developed for universities and research institutions, world-wide spread in more than 70 countries.

It allows students, professors and personnel of the participating institutions to connect to the internet in any structure in which this network is active.

University of Padova is a member of the EduRoam federation and is proceding to provide full coverage in any of its building with this service.



Every device must be registered and properly configured before getting access to EduRoam network.

Only for devices with Android, it's necessary to complete the following steps:

-  enable the download of software from unknown sources

-  enable one of the available unlock screen methods: sequence, pin or password

-  connect your device to the cabled network 

-  open a browser and point to the url:

-  you will be redirect to a configuration page, follow the procedure indicated

Once completed the procedure , you will be automatically connected to the network "eduroam"


You can find more information at the url:  or