
The Tutoring Service supports students throughout their University career and operates within the Schools and the Departments of the different programs, offering study support, providing useful information, and facilitating contact with professors.
Tutors are students who help other students to manage their study time and to deal with any organizational difficulties, such as completing study plans. They also help them to plan for examinations.
The tutors take up the role of facilitators, mediators, or supervisors and coordinate the integrative didactic activities and give learning support for critical exams and didactic laboratories.
Website (School of Science)
Department of Geosciences' Tutoring Service- e-mail: tutor.geoscienze@unipd.it
Dr. Gianluca D'Ippolito - Dr. Leonardo Salvadori - Dr.ssa Silvia Aldrighetti - Dr.ssa Camilla Vidi
Reference for Tutor of the Department of Geosciences:
Prof.ssa Anna Breda: anna.breda@unipd.it - Tel. 049.827.9180