Personale docente

Anna Breda

Professore associato


Indirizzo: VIA G. GRADENIGO, 6 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498279180


Anna Breda is Assistant Professor at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padova. She obtained her PhD in Earth Sciences in 2003 with the thesis "The Gilbert-type deltas of Ventimiglia: Pliocene infill of a Messinian paleovalley (NW Italy)". During her PhD studentship, she was visiting scholar at UNIS (University Courses on Svalbard, Norway), and at ISMAR (Institute of Marine Sciences, CNR, Bologna), working on the development of sandy bodies along the shelf/slope/basin profile in the Central Tertiary Basin of Spitsbergen (Svalbard Islands), and on the instability processes occurring at the Quaternary shelf-edge and upper slope of the Eastern Tyrrhenian Margin (SW Italy).
Actually, she is working on: Triassic mixed siliciclastic-carbonate systems of continental to shallow-marine environments (Southern Alps); Quaternary stratigraphy of paleovalley systems (Tuscany); Mesozoic/Cenozoic evolution of continental/shallow marine successions related to the North Atlantic rift (Southern Alps and Norwegian Shelf).
Her main research interests are the study of clastic and mixed sedimentary successions of continental to shallow-marine environments (fluvial, sabkha, lagoon, deltas, estuaries, shelf and upper-slope systems) in terms of depositional processes and stratigraphic architecture.

1. Breda A., Amorosi A., Rossi V., Fusco F. (2016) Late-glacial to Holocene depositional architecture of the Ombrone paleovalley system (Southern Tuscany, Italy): sea-level, climate and local control in valley-fill variability. Sedimentology, 63, 1124-1148. doi: 10.1111/sed.12253 ISSN 0037-0746.
2. Viero A., Galgaro A., Morelli G., Breda A., Francese R.G. (2015) Investigations on the structural setting of a landslide-prone slope by means of three-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography. Natural Hazards, 78 (2), 1369-1385. doi: 10.1007/s11069-015-1777-8
3. Gattolin G., Preto N., Breda A., Franceschi M., Isotton M., Gianolla P. (2015) Sequence stratigraphy after the demise of a high-relief carbonate platform (Carnian of the Dolomites): Sea-level and climate disentangled. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 423, 1-17. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.01.017 ISSN 0031-0182.
4. Preto N., Breda A., Dal Corso J., Spötl C., Zorzi F., Frisia S. (2015) Primary dolomite in the Late Triassic Travenanzes Formation, Dolomites, Northern Italy: Facies control and possible bacterial influence. Sedimentology, 62, 697-716. doi:10.1111/sed.12157 ISSN 0037-0746.
5. Gattolin G., Breda A., Preto N. (2013) Demise of Late Triassic carbonate platforms triggered the onset of a tide-dominated depositional system in the Dolomites, Northern Italy. Sedimentary Geology, 297, 38-49. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2013.09.005 ISSN 0037-0738.
6. Belvedere M., Jalil N.-E., Breda A., Gattolin G., Bourget H., Khaldoune F., Dyke G.J. (2013) Vertebrate footprints from the Kem Kem beds (Morocco): A novel ichnological approach to faunal reconstruction. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 383-383, 52-58. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.04.026 ISSN 0031-0182.
7. Breda A., Preto N. (2011) Anatomy of an Upper Triassic continental to shallow-marine system: the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate Travenanzes Formation (Dolomites, Nothern Italy). Sedimentology, 58, 1613-1647. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2011.01227.x ISSN 0037-0746.
8. Breda A., Mellere D., Massari F., Asioli A. (2009) Vertically stacked Gilbert-type deltas of Ventimiglia (NW Italy): the Pliocene record of an overfilled Messinian incised valley. Sedimentary Geology, 219, 58-76. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2009.04.010 ISSN 0037-0738.
9. Breda A., Preto N., Roghi G., Furin S., Meneguolo R., Ragazzi E., Fedele P., Gianolla P. (2009) The Carnian Pluvial Event in the Tofane area (Cortina d'Ampezzo, Dolomites, Italy). Geo.Alp, 6, 80-115. ISSN 1824-7741.
10. Breda A., Mellere D., Massari F. (2007) Facies and processes in a Gilbert-delta-filled incised valley (Ventimiglia, NW Italy). Sedimentary Geology, 200, 31-55. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.02.008 ISSN 0037-0738.
11. Mellere D., Breda A., Steel R. (2003) Fluvially incised shelf-edge deltas and linkage to upper slope channels (Central Tertiary Basin, Spitsbergen). In: H.H. Roberts, N.C. Rosen, R.H. Fillon, J.B. Anderson (Eds.). Shelf margin deltas and linked down slope petroleum systems: global significance and future exploration potential. GCS-SEPM Special Publications, GCS 023, p. 231-266. ISSN 1544-2462.
12. Trincardi F., Cattaneo A., Correggiari A., Breda A., Asioli A., Mongardi S. (2003) Submarine slides during relative sea-level rise: two examples from the Eastern Tyrrhenian Margin. In: Locat, J., Mienert, J. (Eds.). Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Amsterdam, p. 457-466. ISBN 1402012446.

I miei principali interessi di ricerca riguardano lo studio di successioni sedimentarie clastiche e miste di ambiente continentale, costiero e marino poco profondo (sistemi fluviali, di sabkha, laguna, estuario, delta, piattaforma e scarpata superiore) in termini di processi deposizionali e architettura stratigrafica.