News archive

A cutting-edge tool for rapid and effective landslide detection

The tool is based on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) backscatter data. Lorenzo Nava, Kushanav Bhuyan and Filippo Catani are among the contributors


The tool is based on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) backscatter data. Lorenzo Nava, Kushanav Bhuyan and Filippo Catani are among the contributors

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Quando e per quanto tempo? La variabile Tempo nelle Geoscienze. Dal Record Geologico alla Sfida Analitica

IX Ciclo di Conferenze Itineranti - Distinguished Lectures SGI - SIMP | Tuesday 23 April from 4,15 pm to 6 pm | Arduino Classroom


IX Ciclo di Conferenze Itineranti - Distinguished Lectures SGI - SIMP | Tuesday 23 April from 4,15 pm to 6 pm | Arduino Classroom

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Seminar (Career Workshop) - Burnt lime: mining our path to a sustainable economy

Speaker: Dott. Giovanni Baldo - Product Manager Fassa Bortolo S.r.l.I Tuesday 16 April - 4.30 PM | Arduino Classroom


Industrial Minerals (IM) are essential to economic development: we can say they are the foundation of the economy. IM are usually cheap products, so it’s difficult to import them and they need to be mined/produced next to their main utilizers. This means we have the opportunity to apply the best

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Seminar - From roots to landscape: integrating bio-geophysics with remote sensing to better understand vegetation water stress in agro-ecosystems

Speaker: Benjamin Mary - Institute of Agricultural Sciences - CSIC Spain I Tuesday 9 April - 4.30 PM | Arduino Classroom


Water scarcity is a growing challenge in the Mediterranean region that is intensifying with global change as documented by FAO report. Accurate evapotranspiration (ET) estimation using remote sensing (RS) observations is vital for forest and crop irrigation management but faces challenges from cloud

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Seminar - Progress and challenges to earthquake predictability

Speaker: Warner Marzocchi, University of Naples, Federico II | Tuesday 26 March - 4.30 PM | Arduino Classroom


Earthquake predictability is the essential scientific ingredient for any sound seismic risk mitigation planning. But what do we really know about earthquake predictability? Since the optimistic approach to deterministic earthquake prediction in the seventies, seismological community is moving towards probabilistic forecasts, in which seismologists can estimate probabilities for the earthquake occurrence in any specific space‐magnitude‐time windows.

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