News archive

Seminar - Progress and challenges to earthquake predictability

Speaker: Warner Marzocchi, University of Naples, Federico II | Tuesday 26 March - 4.30 PM | Arduino Classroom


Earthquake predictability is the essential scientific ingredient for any sound seismic risk mitigation planning. But what do we really know about earthquake predictability? Since the optimistic approach to deterministic earthquake prediction in the seventies, seismological community is moving towards probabilistic forecasts, in which seismologists can estimate probabilities for the earthquake occurrence in any specific space‐magnitude‐time windows.

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Seminar (Career Workshop) Il telerilevamento con drone

Speaker: Stefano Brugnaro, freelance geologist | Tuesday 19 March - 4.30 PM | Arduino Classroom


La crescente digitalizzazione cartografica ha visto una forte evoluzione circa l’utilizzo nella professione del geologo dei rilievi tramite drone (Sistema Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto), sia in contesto civile che ambientale e territoriale. La capacità di gestire sensori di differente natura ha agevolato l’esponenziale utilizzo tecnico applicativo, soprattutto da figure professionali già inserite nel settore topografico. Ad oggi il drone viene utilizzato come strumento per l’acquisizione di informazioni dall’alto e quindi la ricostruzione di modelli bidimensionali e tridimensionali.

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Geophysical methods for the study of the Earth Critical Zone


Matteo Censini has just started a PhD project focused on the characterization of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC), in the framework of the Excellence Project

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Impact of climate change and risk mitigation: a focus on fluvial and estuarine ecosystems


Within the framework of the Excellence Project "Geosciences for Sustainable Development", the research carried out by Alvise Finotello, Assistant Professor at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padua, focuses on understanding the dynamics and the evolution of both fluvial and coastal

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Seminar - Rivers, Humans and the carbon-rich soils of the ancient Amazon

Speaker: Dr. Taylor Perron - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) – Earth Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences. | Tuesday 12 Mach 2024 – 4,30 PM | Arduino Classroom


The seminar show how South American river systems created a template for this successful agricultural strategy, argue that ancient people managed soil using practices that are still employed today by Amazonian indigenous groups, and demonstrate the potential for carbon storage in anthropogenic soils. Along the way, the seminar will consider the climate sensitivity of rivers and some lessons from the past about sustainable tropical agriculture.

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