Teaching sedimentology with analogue models: deltaic lobes


The evolution of deltaic systems occurs through morpho-sedimentary processes that control the spatial distribution of sediment and the development of specific geometries of sedimentary bodies.

Among these processes, the relocation of distributary channels and the development of adjacent deltaic lobes are of fundamental importance. In this new episode of the mini-series dedicated to analogue models for teaching geosciences, we use ReMoD (Mini-Replicator of Morpho-sedimentary Dynamics) to replicate these mechanisms and to discuss the sedimentological characteristics of the sedimentary bodies generated during the experiment.

In this video Massimiliano Ghinassi, associate professor of the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padua, explains why is crucial to study morphodynamic processes that characterize the deltas all over the world. Then, the students Shehzad Muhammad and Alberto Coradazzi talk about the experiment that has been carried out with ReMoD.