Research period abroad: our Ph.D. student Elena Zanola talks about her experience in Lisbon
Spending a period abroad has a lot of positive implications for all the students and during the PhD it is an important way to foster one's scientific network and to learn how to work in an international team.
Today we will be finding out more about Elena Zanola’s experience in Portugal.
Elena has just started her third year of PhD and in July she came back from Lisbon after spending 4 months working at the IPMA, “Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera”.
Elena, can you tell us a bit more about the project?
"I worked at the IPMA under the supervision of the researcher Teresa Rodrigues, who has been a very special mentor. At IPMA, I approached for the very first time, from a practical point of view, the geochemical world of alkenones: organic compounds produced by surface algae and incorporated by marine sediment, which are considered fundamental biomarkers for paleoclimatic reconstructions of the sea surface temperature (SST)".
What did you learn at the IPMA's Lab?
"The major objective was to learn the laboratory procedure for the alkenones’ extraction from marine sediments and to apply it on the set of samples that I am currently studying for my PhD project, being able to reconstruct a SST trend evolution from my samples, thus for the specific time interval that I am investigating. Furthermore, it will be helpful and interesting to compare this kind of geochemical analyses with the benthic isotopic ones that I have already performed in Padova, since they reflect two different realms: the surface and the sea bottom showing how both have evolved".
Did you enjoy the period you spent in Lisbon?
"It was absolutely amazing. Everything went way beyond my expectations. The time at IPMA and all the people that I met there were incredibly stimulating, helpful and enjoyable. I got the chance to learn and discuss about multiple paleoclimatic approaches with so many different researchers and peers of the institute, to get feedbacks about my project and my scientific approach, to attend lectures and super stimulating talks. This was super precious! Additionally, living in Lisbon, was a dream. The city is wonderful! Portugal is amazing! The ocean so close, that wind, the sunsets and the freedom that I experienced in those months is something that I will never forget. I came home with new special friends and new awareness of myself. Forever grateful”.
Thank to Elena for sharing with us our story!
Previous episodes:
- Our PhD student Lorenzo Nava talks of his experience in Australia