News archive

Learning from the past: sustainably produced bricks, better earthquake resilience

CORDIS - Eu research results


What can the brickmakers and architects of the past teach us about the sustainable production of bricks and how buildings can be made more quake-resilient? Italy, home to some of the most spectacular ancient brick-built edifices in Europe, is seismically active. Two recent earthquakes, in 2017 and 2016, caused widespread damage in central Italy. So Elena Mercedes Pérez-Monserrat, a researcher based at the Geosciences Department, University of Padua, set out to establish what building materials and styles of the country’s ancient past were more likely to withstand the impact, and why.

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Hydrocarbons and environmental impact: from exploration to refining

Speaker: Dott. Geol. Mauro Annese (Professional Geologist for hydrocarbon and chemical companies) - Thursday, 11th november – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Oil is one of the many underground resources, occasionally causing environmental impact when it is transported by tankers, pipelines or during drilling and production operations. The seminar covers the different steps of the oil journey from 12-15.000 feet underground to the service stations, their impact and remedies.

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Elena Bersan won the “Paolo Scandone” master thesis award, established by the Ordine dei Geologi della Regione Abruzzo e and the Maiella National Park


Congratulations to Elena Bersan, former student of the Department of Geosciences and currently PhD student at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, who won the “Paolo Scandone” master thesis award, established by the Ordine dei Geologi della Regione Abruzzo e and the Maiella National Park

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Dwelling in the Anthropocene: sustainable supply chains for the built environment

Speaker: Dott. Luca Valentini (Department of Geosciences - University of Padova) - Thursday 18th november - 4,30 pm | Aula Arduino


Reconciling the need of meeting the demand for reliable, durable, and cost-effective building materials, without impacting on the environment, poses a societal conundrum and an extraordinary technological challenge. It is reported that nearly 40 billion tonnes of raw materials extracted from the

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Geochemical characterization of extraterrestrial impact events recorded in sedimentary rocks

Speaker: Dott.ssa Honami Sato (Department of Geosciences, University of Padova) Thursday, 4th november – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


More than three decades have passed since the discovery of anomalies in the abundance of platinum group elements (PGEs: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd) across the sections of Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) strata from Gubbio (Italy) and Caravaca (Spain), which have been attributed to a bolide impact.

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