Bachelor's Degree in Geological Sciences
Geological Sciences
Class: L-34 - Earth Sciences | Duration: 3 years | Branch: Padova |
Main Language: Italian | Programme Coordinator: Nereo Preto
Access: open access with assessment test |
The history of the superficial and deep evolution of planet Earth interpreted through the chemical, physical, biological and geological processes that determined it. This course provides, also thanks to its many laboratory activities, the fundamental knowledge of geosciences and the tools to ponder with awareness and an interdisciplinary approach on the great natural risks (hydrogeological, volcanic, and seismic). You will use the scientific method to deal with current issues such as finding raw materials and energy sources or managing the soil. You will be able to carry out mainly technical tasks at institutions, companies, research agencies, and professional firms that deal with the management of the territory and its resources, mining or hydrocarbon research, and the characterization of geomaterials
Lectures for the first semester of the Degree Course (Academic Year 2024-25) will begin on Monday 30 September