Research period abroad: our PhD student Lorenzo Nava talks of his experience in Australia
Studying abroad is an excellent way for students to enrich academic success and for PhD students it is also an important opportunity to complement their research.
We strongly believe in the value of international mobility and for this reason today we inaugurate a short series of interviews with some of our PhD students who chose to try this wonderful experience.
Let's start with Lorenzo Nava, a 2nd year PhD student of the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padova who spent more than four months in Australia.
Lorenzo Nava's research project focuses on improving multi-scale landslide forecasting with machine learning and he went to the University of Melbourne to develop an early warning system for landslides.
Here Lorenzo talks of his experience in a such amazing country, also in terms of the beauty of the nature, and he points out the importance of interfacing with people from different cultures and learning how to collaborate in a new team.