Field trip in Valle dei Laghi (TN)


On April 17 the students of the Master's Degree in Earth Dynamics partIcipated in a field trip in Valle dei Laghi (province of Trento).

The group visited the carbonate rocks that deposited in a tropical sea during the Early Jurassic, some 200-190 millions of years ago. The students had the opportunity to see a variety of rock features and fossils, but, most important, they saw the detrimental effects that natural perturbations of the carbon cycle had on marine environments in the Jurassic.

"Deep time perturbations of the carbon cycle as those of the Early Jurassic are studied, because they might provide insight on the possible effects of the ongoing times of anthropogenic excess of atmospheric CO2 and consequent global warming", as professor Nereo Preto explains.




"First we stopped near a cafe to have a good look at the outcrop and we did a drawing of the bedding which we could see on the outcrop. Then we went closer and we saw the cleavages and some fossils such as bival in rudstone. We had lunch in the helicopter landing area. All in all it was a very good experience to see exactly what we were talking about in the class and explore the rocks in person", says Mahla Moradi, student of the Master's Degree in Earth Dynamics who took all the photos published in this report.