Summer School - Mass movements under climate change: characterisation and monitoring

18th-20th September 2024 - Padova (Italy)
Mountain environments are particularly threatened by extreme events and climate change, especially in terms of slope instability.
Mass movements are expected to increase in number and magnitude in the near future. Advanced remote sensing techniques, coupled with geophysical characterisation of the subsurface and monitoring systems, can now help us study the evolution of landslides.
This multi-disciplinary Summer School will focus on the following critical open questions:
- meteorological predisposing conditions and extreme events: what can we expect?
- remote sensing: how to monitor dynamics?
- geophysical characterisation: what's inside?
- monitoring system: early warning and long-lasting monitoring?
The Summer School will offer frontal lessons and a field trip in the Southern Alps mountains to visit landslide case studies. Lessons will be held in English.
Lecturers: G Cassiani, F. Catani, J. Boaga, A. Rosi, F. Marra, S.R. Meena, L. Peruzzo, M. Pavoni (University of Padova), L. Giovannini (University of Trento), D.J. Peres (University of Catania), F. Confuorto, E. Intrieri (University of Firenze), S. Uhlemann, (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), A. Pasuto (CNR-IRPI)
Download the poster with the detailed program
Where: Department of Geosciences - University of Padova -
via G. Gradenigo 6, 35131 Padova (Italy)
Who: Ph.D. Students, earth-sciences early career scientists, geologists, environmental and geotechnical engineers, public agency employers, etc.
Participation is limited to maximum 25 participants.
Admission fee is fixed to euro 100.
Event organized in the framework of:
Geosciences for Susatinable Development (2023-2027)