Calderone mission, a new step of Ice Memory project

The campaign on the Gran Sasso that aims at studying the Calderone ice, the southernmost glacial body in Europe, started on March,13.
The goal is to collect ice samples in depth to understand if the layers accumulated over the centuries are still in place, or if they have been mixed by melting due to rising temperatures.
The chemical analysis will give many answers about the climatic and environmental history of central Italy and will allow to choose the best place to extract an ice core that could join the others in the future Antarctic sanctuary of the Ice Memory project.
The campaign has been organized by the Institute of Polar Sciences of the National Research Council and the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice and also the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padua partecipated, as explained in this video by Professor Jacopo Boaga who is on site for the mission.