"Le Geoscienze per uno Sviluppo Sostenibile" - Cutting-edge research at the new Environmental Geochemistry Lab - Prof. Prigiobbe
New Grant Received (2023-2025)
Predictive Dynamics of Microbiological Contamination of Groundwater in the Earth Critical Zone and Impact on Human Health (DY.MI.CR.ON)
The project has the goal to create a new dataset and a mathematical model to describe viruses and bacteria transport in unsaturated porous media considering the change of the salinity in the soil and the degree of saturation. Large field monitoring in Apulia and Sicily will help identify the system of interest and the conditions to test during experiments in the laboratory.
Funding institution: PRIN - Research Projects of National Relevance (Italian Minister of University and Research)
PI:Prof. Cassiani (University of Padova)
Collaborators: IRSA-CNR, University of Pisa, University of Bari, and University of Catania.
New Grant Received (2022-2025)
Compound Flood Risk from the Combined Effects of Sea Level Rise on Storm Surge, Tidal and Groundwater Flooding, and Stormwater – The Urban Drainage Component
In this project, an integrated urban drainage model of selected low-lying urban areas in Long Island (NY, USA) will be developed. The model will tightly couple groundwater and sewer network to account for flux exchanges between the two systems in real time. The role of drainage networks in compound flood modeling in future weather scenarios will be also determined. The model will be developed in open-source programming languages to favor distribution.
Funding institution: U.S. Geological Survey
New Grant Received (2022-2025)
Integrating CO2 mineralization and mining for the recovery of construction materials and relevant elements from waste
The project has the goal to create an integrated process for mining energy-relevant elements (EREs) and remove CO2 through mineralization. Elements extracted from waste, rocks or brines will be separated through nanofiltration to recover EREs for renewable energy systems and calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) for CO2 mineralization. Carbonates from the mineralization process will be re-used in construction.
Funding institution: Carbontech Development Initiative (CDI, Columbia University)