News archive

Seminar - Securing critical raw materials for the twin green and digital transition

Speaker: Dr. Fabio Ferri, EIT RawMaterials CLC South, c/o Talent Garden, Roma I Tuesday 9 May – 4:30 PM | Arduino classroom

Dal 09.05.2023 al 05.10.2023

The energy production and the mobility sector will completely transform in the next decade. In Europe, additional push is expected by the REPowerEU plan and the 2035 combustion engine ban. Therefore, a huge increase in the demand for base metals, battery materials, rare earths used by local manufacturers of batteries and clean tech is foreseen. The EU has classified some materials as critical due to their strategic relevance for local industries and the potential risk of supply chain shortages.

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Seminar - "Towards Resilient Infrastructure”: A Clay Recipe for Treatment of Expansive Soils in Construction

Speaker: Dr. Joseph Mwiti Marangu, Meru University of Science and Technology (Kenya) - Tuesday 2 May 2023 – 4,30 PM | Arduino Classroom


The most common practice in stabilization of expansive soils during construction is the addition of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). However, OPC remains unaffordable in most developing countries, and its production also contributes about 6-8 % of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions that are responsible for global warming and climate change. There is need for green solutions. The presentation will highlight the key aspects of a clay recipe for treatment of expansive clay soils in construction with a view to promote resilient infrastructure in the built environment.

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Field trip in Valle dei Laghi (TN)


The students of the Master’s Degree in Earth Dynamics visited the carbonate rocks that deposited in a tropical sea during the Early Jurassic.

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Seminar - Global analysis of rivers with deep learning

Speaker: Prof. Patrice Carbonneau, Department of Geography, Durham University (UK) - Monday, 17 April – 3:30 PM | Classroom 2M


Many obstacles remain in place and the construction of a data processing pipeline that can effectively deliver global scale river classification is not trivial. This seminar will present a prototype pipeline that combines deep learning with classical remote sensing and image processing methods in order to produce semantic classes for rivers, lakes and gravel bars from Sentinel-2 imagery and at a resolution of 10 meters.

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Geomorphological analysis on the Po river with drone and sensors transported on a kayak


A team of researchers from the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padua recently went near to the city of Cremona to analyze the conditions of a secondary channel of Po River, from a geomorphological point of view

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