Kras Carso II - Joint management and sustainable development of the Classic Karst area

As Department of Geosciences (PP12), we will contribute with our experience on the petrography of carbonate rocks, and on the design of popular science products related to sedimentary geology. More specifically, a set of images will be prepared by the use of high-resolution cameras linked to optical microscopes, which will become available for popular science products promotig the geoheritage of the Karst Geopark.
The use of these images will be demonstrated in a temporary exposition and in a open-air multimedia event.
Furthermore, the Department will prepare a dossier for the nomination of some dimension stones of the classical Karst (Aurisina Stone, but potentially also Lipica and Repen stones) as IUGS Global Heritage Stone Resources.
The Kras - Carso II project is co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme.