Bernardo Cesare and Giorgio Pennacchioni were elected Corresponding Fellow of the Lincean Academy

Bernardo Cesare and Giorgio Pennacchioni, Full Professors of the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padova, were elected Corresponding Fellows of the Lincean Academy for category IV (Geosciences) of the Class of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences.
More in detail, Professor Pennacchioni was nominated for the "Geology, Paleontology and applications" field, while Professor Cesare for "Mineralogy, Petrology and applications".
The awarding of the badges will take place during the opening ceremony of the next academic year 2022-2023.
Bernardo Cesare and Giorgio Pennacchioni thus join Giulio Di Toro, Full Professor of Structural Geology at the Department of Geosciences, elected Corresponding Fellow of the Lincean Academy in 2018.
Giorgio Vittorio Dal Piaz, former Full Professor of Geology at the Department of Geosciences, was instead nomitated National Member in 2000.
Congratulations for this important acknowledgment which confirms Prof. Bernardo Cesare and Prof. Giorgio Pennacchioni among the most significant experts in their respective fields of study.