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Press Review

From the museum, a new race of myliobatiform is found in fossils


An international group of researchers, including Luca Giusberti from the University of Padua’s Department of Geosciences, discovered a new race of myliobatiform fossils (Lessiniabatis aenigmatica) in the Natural History Museums of Paris, Florence, and Udine. The new race of stingray has a unique and

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Press Review

About the Nature index and Padua’s ranking


The famous Nature Index is getting very influent. But what is it about? It’s a very special ranking, based on the number of articles published in few high quality scientific journals. Those 82 journals on the list have a very strong international impact on science. This ranking is drawn up for

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Press Review

About the Nature index and Padua’s ranking


The famous Nature Index is getting very influent. But what is it about? It’s a very special ranking, based on the number of articles published in few high quality scientific journals. Those 82 journals on the list have a very strong international impact on science. This ranking is drawn up for

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Press Review

Diamonds: when the age is important


Discovering how old a diamond is, helps us understanding Earth’s evolution: the age of diamonds covers a period of time on our planet ranging from 3.6 billion to 100 million years ago. But how do we guess diamonds’ age?We’ve talked about how diamond age is determined in the article Protogenetic

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Press Review

New discoveries on the "dark" side of the Moon


The first results of the last Chinese mission on the far side of the Moon have been published in Nature: olivine and pyroxene would be present on our satellite as in the Earth's mantle. The title of the study is Chang’E-4 initial spectroscopic identification of lunar far-side mantle-derived

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